GTech web solutions have been working in software development since last twelve years. In this period we have design a lot of websites and software. Producer company software is one of them. It is easy to operate; professional employees are not required to operate the software. 'N' number of agents and customer can work on this because this is already tested with millions of entries. GTech web solutions is a .NET based centralized database online software for producer company software with core banking operations such as fixed deposit, recurring deposits, daily deposit schemes, loan to customers, monthly income schemes, dividend declaration etc. Our software handle all savings A/C, current A/C, FD A/C , RD A/C, DDS,member details etc.
Now GTech web solutions has become specialize in developing producer company software that will automate our client's business process, making organization more responsive and effective and saves time and money. Our company is created to meet our clients specific needs. Our process and methodologies are continuously monitored, updated to keep pace with the new innovations in technology and our customer's need. We follow enterprise wide quality policy which is defined and measurable.